Wednesday, June 21, 2023


Dr. Uwais Ahamed

Al-HAJ DR.BADI-UD-DIN MAHMUD, The former Minister of Education and health, passed away peacefully leaving a void in the Muslim community of this country which is indeed difficult to fill. His death brings to my mind what the president of Finland Urho Kekkonen said when Panvo Nurmi of Finland, who was considered the greatest Olympic athlete of all dies in 1973.

‘When nature removes a great man, people explore the horizon for a successor. But none comes and none will, for his class is extinguish for all time.’

 This, I believe, is very true of Dr.Badi-Ud-Din Mahmud.

Dr. Mahmud has his early education at St. Thomas’s College in Matara, his home town, and at Zahira College, Maradana. He subsequently had a distinguish and colurful academic career at the Aligrah University India, Which was founded by the eminent scholar and educationalist Sir. Seyed Ahamed Khan from whom he drew much inspiration that helped him to blossom in to a leading educationalist in his later days. 

It was in Aligrah University that be horn his political horns as well. He proved himself to be a fine leader and an excellent orator which paved him the way for him being elected to the coveted post of president, all India Student Union. 

Dr. Badi-Ud-Din Mahmud was a faithful discipline of Sri Lanka’s eminent leader, S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike and when the SLFP was formed he was elected join secretary of the party. In 1956, when the MEP spearheaded by the SLFP won the general election, Dr. Badi-Ud-Din Mahmud did not seek a cabinet Minister’s position. Instead he preferred who continued as Principal of Gampola Zahira College, from which position he brought to bear his entire attention on the educational upliftment of the Muslim community. In this Enterprise he found a great ally in Dr. W Dahanayake who was Minister of Education. 

Together they were able to bring about a renaissance in the realm of Muslim education. The creation of the Schools, appointment of teachers of newly established Muslim schools, and the accelerated training of Muslim teachers were the order of the day.

In 1960, and again in 1970, when he took over the reins of education in the Sirimavo Bandaranaike governments, he displayed great tenacity, courage and fortitude in all that he undertook to do. These were the qualities that stood him in good stead when he introduced a national system education in the phase of threat and protest from vested interest. He lead his team of officials revolutionize the system of education with the rural child very much in focus. Prevocational studies, which were made compulsory for all the children beyond Grade 6 provided a technological orientation to there thinking and was a great boom to them in later life.

Dr.Badi-Ud-Din Mahmud’s heart was always in Gampola Zahira College which he served as Principal with diligence, dignity and distinction. Only a few huts were all that he had when he took over as Principal. With Sir Seyed Ahmed Khan, his mental at Aligarh very much in his mind, he built this School brick by brick to what it is today. Bricks and motar along do not make a school. Gampola Zairians’ who went through the portals of this great institutions and who now hold positions of trust and responsibility in various field of human endeavor are evidence of the qualitative impact this school has had on the society.

When I was Principal of Gampola Zahira, Dr.Badi-Ud-Din Mahmud suggested to me that it would be a good idea if I could have the public address system extended so that the proceedings of the weekly school assembly on Monday mornings could also be heard by those outside the assembly hall. Though I knew there wasn’t anybody outside the hall during assembly time, I dutifully installed the speaker outside the school hall in difference to the wishes of the Minister.

Later, I came to know that he wanted this done so that he could sing alone with the children the college Anthem, which was his composition, and listen to the principal’s “though of the week” that followed. His spacious home stood adjoining the school. He had a deep respect for the principal’s office and was always a source of inspiration to the staff, students and past students. 

Dr.Badi-Ud-Din Mahmud will always be remembered as a leader who detested divisive and parochial politics and who worked painstakingly towards unity both within the community and in the country. He was a leader who never went after perks and posts. Instead of personal gains he always looked for opportunities to work for the common goal. I shall conclude this short tribute by quoting Jose Marti the Cuban national hero which typifies the man, Dr.Badi-Ud-Din Mahmud.

‘A true man does not seek the path where advantages lies, but rather the path where duty lies’.

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